25 research outputs found

    Neural crest migration with continuous cell states

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    Learning spatio-temporal patterns with Neural Cellular Automata

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    Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) are a powerful combination of machine learning and mechanistic modelling. We train NCA to learn complex dynamics from time series of images and PDE trajectories. Our method is designed to identify underlying local rules that govern large scale dynamic emergent behaviours. Previous work on NCA focuses on learning rules that give stationary emergent structures. We extend NCA to capture both transient and stable structures within the same system, as well as learning rules that capture the dynamics of Turing pattern formation in nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). We demonstrate that NCA can generalise very well beyond their PDE training data, we show how to constrain NCA to respect given symmetries, and we explore the effects of associated hyperparameters on model performance and stability. Being able to learn arbitrary dynamics gives NCA great potential as a data driven modelling framework, especially for modelling biological pattern formation.Comment: For videos referenced in appendix, see: https://github.com/AlexDR1998/NCA/tree/main/Video

    Shared behavioral mechanisms underlie <i>C. elegans</i> aggregation and swarming

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    In complex biological systems, simple individual-level behavioral rules can give rise to emergent group-level behavior. While collective behavior has been well studied in cells and larger organisms, the mesoscopic scale is less understood, as it is unclear which sensory inputs and physical processes matter a priori. Here, we investigate collective feeding in the roundworm C. elegans at this intermediate scale, using quantitative phenotyping and agent-based modeling to identify behavioral rules underlying both aggregation and swarming—a dynamic phenotype only observed at longer timescales. Using fluorescence multi-worm tracking, we quantify aggregation in terms of individual dynamics and population-level statistics. Then we use agent-based simulations and approximate Bayesian inference to identify three key behavioral rules for aggregation: cluster-edge reversals, a density-dependent switch between crawling speeds, and taxis towards neighboring worms. Our simulations suggest that swarming is simply driven by local food depletion but otherwise employs the same behavioral mechanisms as the initial aggregation

    Comparison of solitary and collective foraging strategies of Caenorhabditis elegans in patchy food distributions

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    Collective foraging has been shown to benefit organisms in environments where food is patchily distributed, but whether this is true in the case where organisms do not rely on long range communications to coordinate their collective behaviour has been understudied. To address this question, we use the tractable laboratory model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, where a social strain (npr-1 mutant) and a solitary strain (N2) are available for direct comparison of foraging strategies. We first developed an on-lattice minimal model for comparing collective and solitary foraging strategies, finding that social agents benefit from feeding faster and more efficiently simply due to group formation. Our laboratory foraging experiments with npr-1 and N2 worm populations, however, show an advantage for solitary N2 in all food distribution environments that we tested. We incorporated additional strain43 specific behavioural parameters of npr-1 and N2 worms into our model and computationally identified N2’s higher feeding rate to be the key factor underlying its advantage, without which it is possible to recapitulate the advantage of collective foraging in patchy environments. Our work highlights the theoretical advantage of collective foraging due to group formation alone without long-range interactions, and the valuable role of modelling to guide experiments

    Live cell tracking of macrophage efferocytosis during Drosophila embryo development in vivo

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    Apoptosis of cells and their subsequent removal via efferocytosis occurs in nearly all tissues during development, homeostasis, and disease. However, it has been difficult to track cell death and subsequent corpse removal in vivo. Here, we developed a genetically encoded fluorescent reporter, CharON, that could track emerging apoptotic cells and their efferocytic clearance by phagocytes. Using Drosophila expressing CharON, we uncovered multiple qualitative and quantitative features of coordinated clearance of apoptotic corpses during embryonic development. To confront high rate of emerging apoptotic corpses, the macrophages displayed heterogeneity in engulfment, with some efferocytic macrophages carrying high corpse burden. However, overburdened macrophages were compromised in clearing wound debris, revealing an inherent vulnerability. These findings reveal known and unexpected features of apoptosis and macrophage efferocytosis in vivo